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News - OST presents at 2024 INTERPRAEVENT

source:      Time:2024/6/28 15:59:49     Click Num:131




From June 10th to 13th , 2024, the 2024 INTERPRAEVENT conference was successfully held at Hofburg in Vienna, Austria. The topic of the conference is natural hazards under the influence of global warming. A total of 520 experts from more than 25 countries attended the conference. OST, as a leading company in the field of slope stabilization and rockfall protection in China, participated in the conference to discuss the latest developments and trends in slope protection.


As the sole Chinese enterprise in the conference, OST exhibited their innovative products, including the impressive 12,000 KJ guiding protection system, self-developed flexible protective shed-tunnel, and the first Chinese rockfall impact testing platform. These innovations garnered significant attention from participants and the experts. Numerous experts gathered at the OST booth, engaging in in-depth discussions and exchanges regarding the products and technologies.